
Area53 banner which is a collection of lots of scattered pictures of things the blogger likes, from music artists and films to TV shows.


From the Past

Films on the to-do list

  • Armageddon Time
  • Black Widow
  • Chimes at Midnight
  • The Killing of a Sacred Deer
  • Last Christmas
  • Remember Sunday
  • Shazam! 2
  • Thor: Love and Thunder
  • Spy Guys

Spooks 8.5 (2009)

TV episode review: Spooks (2009), season 8 episode 5

Decided to watch last night’s episode after having let the cat out and seeing Mr T off to work, as a way of making me not go straight back to bed and sleep half the day. I have an exam tomorrow and a lot of studying to get done before then, so need to stay awake. Unfortunately, with Seasonal Affective Disorder, getting up and staying awake is a bit of a challenge. Maybe Lucas (Richard Armitage) can keep my eyes open, eh? 🙂

This is another one of those running commentary things. So far, I’ve wanted to yell “because you fucking killed him!!” after hearing “they’re too young to have lost a father”. Bah! And also, a spontaneous “oooooh”, as in, who’s Jack Coalville and will he get it on with Ros (Hermione Norris)? Harry/Ruth shipping? (something Ragtag found was ripe on Spooks forums.) Meh. (And I agree with her, how can you focus on Harry/Ruth when Lucas was out-angsting everyone? With bumshots?) I say Jack/Ros is more interesting. Maybe he used to be on the show, like Ruth, but has returned? Although I can’t see the name in the list. I mean, the scene in the café … hand on shoulder! Squee!

So what’s the episode about? Well, Cauldron’s boss died, obviously. Another guy died … oh, and there’s Lucas in leather, mreow. Putting on an accent to boot. Lying comes rather too easy to Harry (Peter Firth), doesn’t it? I was considering changing Cauldron’s (Genevieve O’Reilly) name to Cauliflower, but that sounds too cute and as if she’s a dimwit – which obviously she isn’t.

The camera work is starting to annoy me. Stop zooming in and out like that and shake it all about! Can’t you keep it still for once?! FFS!

… And that’s why you don’t use wireless keyboards! Blech, I don’t like wireless keyboards and mice. They’re a blummin’ nuisance, and going through batteries and such… no, better off with just a normal, wired keyboard.

“Ros, no heroics.” “Yeah.” Stilted much?

“Sam Walker was a friend.” Interesting way to treat your friends.

Oh, Cauldron with a British accent! That suits her a lot better than the American, it seems a lot more natural. Even if it isn’t.

Is that a P-series Sony Vaio in Coalvilles car? They look awesome, but I wouldn’t want one. This laptop is small enough! Interesting turn of events, and in the end, the shipping idea … well, maybe in the past. When he was showing her the ropes as a new recruit and all that.

Oh, if only Lucas would throw Cauldron over and handcuff her! Nah, it’s not Christmas just yet. Maybe they’re saving that for the series finale.

A so-so episode. Not as much Lucas as last week, but not as little as two weeks ago (an episode Ros seems well and truly over already). And he showed of the tattoos again. They’re hideous, but fortunately, they’re only fake! Loved the angst in the end, there. Great, brilliant, wonderful acting as usual!


An easily distracted and over-excited introvert who never learns to go to bed at a reasonable time. Enjoys traveling (when there's not a plague on), and taking photos of European architecture. Cares for cats, good coffee and Boardwalk Empire. A child of her time, she did media studies in school and still can't decide what she wants to be when she grows up.

2 thoughts on “Spooks 8.5 (2009)

  1. Thank you! 🙂 The studying has gone… so-so today. *cough* Amazing how much other things you manage to get done when there’s something else you really REALLY should be doing! I mean, Spooks, final episode of “Tin Man”, washing up, blogging, replying to emails… and a little bit of reading the course book somewhere there. At least it’s not an exam in statistics this time! (No, that I have the honour of re-taking again next Friday, because I failed it the first time. Unsquee.)

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