My personal aim is to take it a bit easier with this challenge than with the Brontë one, where I went “a bit” mad, so have set my limit to a more reasonable one book a month. Will read them in order in the omnibus, but I can’t remember which one comes first. Just know I plan on finishing with Lady Chatterley’s Lover in December.
That being said – let’s go! 😀
When you have finished something in the challenge and written something about it on your blog, please pop by here and let the rest of us know the link to your review, because sharing is caring! 🙂
I’ve just announced my joining in the Challenge and posted my tasks.Thanks for this opportunity , Traxy!
Gah! What I numpty I am… Clicked to approve comment and then clicked to delete comment instead of deleting the email. *bangs head on keyboard* Sorry, mel u!
Here’s mel’s comment:
Hi-I just read and posted on one of Lawrence’s most famous short stories, “The Fox”
Gah… I’m sorry I haven’t posted yet. I was supposed to get to the library for Sons and Lovers weeks ago, I expected to be finished but I haven’t even started yet! I will though, I am determined.
I’m just halfway down now. I’ve just posted about Lady Chatterley’s Lover, book and BBC series 1993.